Killer instinct... Got one?
Yes, I know:
“what good can come out of Twitter?” or
” ‘ve been there, ‘ve done that” or
“Tried it, don’t get it…”
I agree, Twitter is sort of like being in the middle of a crowded New York city street at rush hour. Or the floor of New York Stock Exchange in the middle of yet another market meltdown.
Trust me, I get it.
What good can come out of Twitter?
Quality targeted website traffic and tons of it!
How to Make Twitter Traffic Generation Work for You
Some of you may know that I started Traffic Generation Cafe in June of 2010.
Needless to say, my traffic was non-existent, Google never heard of me, and neither did any bloggers in my niche.
The most logical place to spread the glorious news about my existence was social media; Twitter, to be more precise.
Turned out it brought me all the traffic I needed to make my blog one of the authority blogs on the topic of increasing traffic generation – all within 2-3 months.
So how did I do it?
By learning all I could about how I can use Twitter for traffic generation and getting the most efficient tools I could to help me along.
Here are a couple of Google Analytics snapshots to show you what I mean (as of 10/27/10):
And one more:
And this is what this post is all about – I want to show you where I learned about Twitter and what I used to become successful with it.
Twitter Traffic Generation: Learn About It
First, let’s start with some recommended reading:
1. How to Take Over Twitter – Learn why TWITTER = LISTBUILDING.
2. Get Targeted Twitter Followers - This is how I got over 50K followers (and here’s another secret: who says you have to have only 1 account ?)
3. Why Build Relationships on Twitter? – Who do people buy from? People (and companies) they trust! Therefore, as you’re building your relationships on Twitter or any other social networking site, that’s actually what you’re doing… building TRUST. And it’s imperative that you do.
4. Big Tips to Get People Retweeting – how to really SUPERCHARGE your efforts by getting people to click on things that you send out, and more importantly how to get your followers to actually ReTweet your messages.
5. Art of Retweets: Top 10 Ways to Improve your ReTweetability – does it matter how many followers you have to become more “retweetable”? Is it in the words we use? The length, the links? Is it the kind of content we send our social media traffic to? What does it REALLY take to generate tons of targeted website traffic via Twitter?
6. Make Money With Twitter – There’s a couple things to consider here, but the main idea is NOT to try and make money ON Twitter directly. It doesn’t really work. Nothing will get people to unfollow you faster.
The point here is this: can Twitter be overwhelming? Yes.
IF you don’t know what you are doing.
As I said, Twitter is the largest referral traffic source I have. And everything I learned to achieve that came from Harris Fellman and his Coup De Twitter course. If you want to learn how to do Twitter the right way, this course gets my thumbs up.
Twitter Traffic Generation: Stay on Top of It
To generate a good amount of Twitter traffic back to your site, you will need to consistently stay on top of your daily activities.
That’s what my major trouble was – I am not the one to hang out on social media networks all day long. I do have a life.
So the next 2 sections of this post will cover what I did to make Twitter a mostly hands-off traffic generation tool.
My Daily Process For My Twitter Account:
(many thanks to Harris Fellman of Coup De Twitter for helping me to make sense of my schedule)
1.Read your @mentions and reply to all of them.
2.Post a favorite quotation, recent news link, or just basic info (this can be from online or offline resources) HINT: Go to and set up some alerts for your interests to be automatically sent to your inbox.
3.Scan your own timeline & look for conversations to jump into.
4.Go to, search for topics of interest to you, and get into a few conversations there as well. While you’re there, go ahead and search for your own name and/or company name to see if anyone is talking about you.
5.I don’t ever check my DMs any longer – too much work and too much spam.
6.Repeat this at least 3 times a day – takes me about 15 minutes per block.
Twitter Traffic Generation: Get Help with It
Use services to automate some of the tedious Twitter tasks!
Here are the tools I personally use to make my Twitter involvement as automated as possible.
1. How to automate following and unfollowing.
I’ve done a lot of research on this kind of software and my personal pick is “Tweet Adder”. It works on both Mac and PC, it’s only $50 and does everything and more than software 4 times its price.
More specifically, I use it for:
■researching who to follow.
■following those people automatically – you can schedule how many, when, and how often.
■unfollowing those who don’t follow you – very important since Twitter limits how many people you can follow at a time.
■automatically following those who follow you – I personally choose not to do it, since I want only people who are truly interested in what I have to say and not people who just want to grow their “followship”.
■automatically sending DMs to new followers – many never read them, but many do; depends on how creative you get and how much value you provide in your message.
2. How to automate everything else.
This one is a true winner. It gives me quite an edge as far as both traffic generation and link building back to my blog is concerned.
So much so that I wasn’t sure if I wanted to spread the news.
However, I am big on talking about things that no one else talks about, thus increasing my loyal readership – thank you for that!
Plus, I do love getting my affiliate paychecks – let’s call it what it is.
So here it is – my best Twitter secret: MarketMeSuite.
Let me give you a small taste of why I love it:
Do you see those “Traffic Generation Cafe” clickable links? I bet you yours say “hootsuite” or “” or whatever other automated Twitter platform you use.
I am sure you get the point: MarketMeSuite lets me brand my blog, whereas the others are more than happy to let you brand them.
Some other great MarketMeSuite features:
■track as many accounts as you want, including Facebook and Facebook pages.
■post to ALL your accounts at once.
■create multiple brands – not just one.
■research potential followers.
■automatically add RSS feeds AND add RT @TheirID – gets you noticed and brings more clicks and more followers.
■schedule tweets up to a year in advance.
■use on multiple computes.
■get emails when someone mentions your name.
■SO much more.
As you can tell, I am pretty excited about this one – for all the right reasons.
So here’s my affiliate link for this incredible do-it-all software: MarketMeSuite; go check it out now.
3. If paid tools are simply not in your budget right at this moment, I completely understand.
Suggestion: use the free version of Not too many bells and whistles, but it will allow you to:
■track multiple accounts.
■schedule tweets and DMs – a great time-saver!
■view @mentions and retweets.
■purge your DM box – get rid of that pesky spam.
Twitter Traffic Generation: This and That
I recently learned about this great WP plugin, which increased my traffic and user engagement even more: Tweet Old Post.
It randomly picks your older post based on the interval specified by you. The primary function of this plugin is to promote older blog posts by tweeting about them and getting more traffic. That’s exactly what it’s done for me.
Marketing Takeaway:
If you are thinking to use Twitter for traffic generation, now is the time.
I don’t have a crystal ball, so I have no idea what the future holds for Twitter and the rest of social media.
However, I do know that the time is right NOW.
If you are struggling to generate any kind of meaningful traffic to your blog, start with Twitter. It worked for me and it will certainly work for you.
Now go learn more about it right now, get yourself some tools, and start seeing your traffic increase in days, not in months.
Posted with permission
Ana Hoffman
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